The Essential 4Assessment & Coaching Exercise

Discover your hidden strengths and areas of development as a leader. Assess yourself in four essential leadership areas sub-divided into the top 16 Leadership Competencies.

This exercise is a 2-step process and takes approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.

Discover your hidden strengths and areas of development as a leader in a 2-step process that takes approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.

Let's begin
Why do people feel stuck in their jobs
Why Do People Feel Stuck in Their Jobs Despite Excellent Benefits?
Jan 05, 20223 min read

These days, organizations provide excellent benefits for their employees that include a fantastic salary package, leaves to take care of family members, vacations, medical insurance that covers everything from routine checkups to transplantation, and flexibility to work from home. Yet, still, many employees feel stuck and are not happy with their current jobs. However, many of them are unclear about what is bothering them despite all these great incentives.

Are you also feeling stuck in your current job, which you were desperate to get at some point in time? Despite having outstanding performance and the benefits mentioned above? You're not alone. A lot of people feel this way. There are a few reasons why this might be the case, and we'll explore them in this post, read on to find out more and share your views with us.

People can feel stuck in their jobs for several reasons, including feeling like they can't advance any further, not being allowed to learn and grow, or not enjoying the work they do.

Feeling stuck: Despite having great performance reviews and benefits, people can still feel unhappy in their jobs if they don't see themselves growing or are not satisfied with what they're doing. The desire for growth is an understandable sentiment, but it's essential to define what kind of progress you're looking for. Some people want money or professional opportunities; others are striving towards bettering their skills and learning more about a particular field within themselves - there isn't one way that'll suffice all at a time.

It's crucial to take some time to reflect on your career and figure out what you want out of it. For example, are you looking for more money, better hours, or a role that challenges you more intellectually?

Am I a valuable asset to this organization?: The Lack of connection between an employee's work and the organization's bigger vision is common in larger companies. Employees are often given specific tasks with little flexibility to take on new challenges or improve existing ones. This disconnect leaves them feeling unfulfilled because they can't relate the role assigned to them with what matters most for their organization progressing towards its mission.

Reflection is the secret to success. Take time for self-reflection and think about what it means to be a part of your organization's vision while also looking at how you contribute in that same direction.

Conflict in values and beliefs: Every organization has its own unique culture—deeply embedded beliefs about how things work. For example, some organizations may expect employees to follow the standard operating procedures and avoid inventing new ways to get work done or experiment with it. If there are employees who have creativity as their core value may feel stuck in such a situation. When employees adapt to an organization's culture, it can lead to a more positive work environment. However, they may be at odds with their expectations when this doesn't occur due to conflicting values and personal beliefs. That will create challenges for both parties involved in adapting or maintaining said unique way of doing things.

Many job options are available in today's fast-paced world, but not every opportunity can work out perfectly depending on one's values. So, before joining any organization blindly, make sure that you know the organization's culture and values, and it fits with who you are and what you want to become.

If you're feeling unhappy in your job, it's important to take some time to reflect on what is unsettling for you. Are you looking for more money, a better work-life balance, a role that challenges you, a position that provides you with an opportunity to practice your life values, or a sense of fulfilment by progressing towards your life purpose? Once you know what you're after, start putting yourself out there and networking with people in organizations for specific positions that interest you. If you need any support in finding clarity in your professional journey, you may connect with us, and we will be happy to help.


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